- We were sitting in complete silence when, all of a sudden, R said, "I bet if they played tapes of children screaming, crying, and whining instead of soothing music while you're waiting it would lower the population of [our hometown]." Which caused me to let out a guffaw just as the midwife came back in the room.
- R's midwife spent a majority of the visit talking to me. This happens to me when I'm with R all the time! People even think that I'm her mother, all the time! I'm younger, so what if I'm 2 inches taller. If we're out to dinner, I get the check. If we're shopping for a major purchase (car, jewelry, etc.) sales people always address me. I just wanted to turn to our midwife and scream, "It's her body, you can talk to her too about when her LMP was!"
In defense of the midwife we saw, she's not R's normal midwife. We did throw her off, when we made the appointment we told the receptionist that we just wanted to have a check-up and make sure everything was OK. When the midwife walked into the room she was under the impression that we had had a positive HPT and were just coming in to confirm a pregnancy because that's how the receptionist had coded our visit. Once we got that cleared up she reviewed our charting and says we're doing a good job. She reassured us that sometimes, OPKs just don't work but as long as 3 other signals line up we shouldn't have anything to worry about (haven't I heard that before...). She was a bit concerned about R's short LP so she's ordered blood work. She's most interested to see how R's progesterone levels are. She did chastise R because she hasn't been taking prenatals. She gave us free samples and will write a script when we get pregnant. She's going to call us with the results from the blood work this month and wished us luck. The last thing she said was that she hopes to see us pregnant soon.
We were very surprised, this is the same practice that friends of ours had problems with a few years ago. All in all, a good visit.
We've decided not to try this month. We didn't want to throw off any testing that the midwife ordered, plus our donor couldn't come visit, and R couldn't get off work so it doesn't seem to be a good month. One month into 2007 and our 2007 plan of attack is out the door. Oops... We will be trying in February, the plans are already made.
As for my job, I still don't know if I'll have one in a few weeks. I am supposed to know on Monday so, hopefully, I'll still have a source of income.
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