06 March 2007

I hate that I'm selfish

Our donor called me tonight. He has a job interview for Ha11iburton tomorrow. If he got the job he'd be moving to Houston. He will be graduating in May. He told me that he also has applied for jobs in San Francisco, Sacramento, Honolulu, Boston, Los Angeles, just to name a few. He's not applying for any jobs near us or his hometown. I wish him the best, I really do. It's not the easiest thing to find a job in your field so soon after graduation, but I am secretly hoping that he doesn't get a job so far away. Does that make me a bitch? There are plenty of jobs close, anything on the East Coast would make me happy. We're already 400 miles apart. Any of these jobs would increase that to thousands. We can't afford to fly back and forth every month. Here's to hoping that the doctors can give us the help we need and we can get pregnant before he has to move.

I posted the answers for the movies (and the books in case you missed them).

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