04 February 2007

My Very First Photo Friday

So I've been meaning to start participating in Photo Friday for quite some time, but never got around to it. I was going to start last week with what makes my body unique (my widow's peak) & the batteries in the camera were dead. By the time I got around to getting batteries the topic has changed so, drum roll please, here is my couch. I never actually get to sit on my couch. It belongs to the furry kids. R & I sit on the love seat usually. Sometimes they share the couch with us, but it's rare. The back cushions are flattened out from the cats. Dexter weighted 23 pounds before he got sick and he would squash the cushion to the right. Silas and Puck are usually on the back with Kara on the left and Hamlet on the right. So, without further ado:

1 comment:

Sophia said...


verification: gynun

thought that was funny